Order Now

Please fill out one order form per strain. If there are any questions while filling out this form, please call 410-886-1006 or email orders@ferrycove.org


Prefer the old-fashioned way? You can download the Larvae & Seed Order Form and mail it to us. Instructions inside.

Download Form

    [group Seed]

    Seed Prices


    Cost per 1,000

    $10, $14

    Size Available**

    2mm, 4mm

    *Lily, Lola, Deby, and Hnry stocks available based on demand and availability

    **Size of seed refers to the retained screen size

    Minimum seed order of 50,000 unless otherwise noted by Ferry Cove staff

    [group Larvae]

    Larvae Prices

    Diploid Wild

    Diploid Disease Resistant*


    Cost per 1 Million




    *Lily, Lola, Deby, and Hnry stocks will be available based on demand and availability

    e.g. 20 million

    e.g. 4 bundles of 5 million


    We highly recommend picking up but if you decide to ship, there will be a packaging and shipping fee.

    Ferry Cove Shellfish offers no warranties or guarantees and is not responsible for the availability, performance or non-performance of the larvae, seed, or spat on shell and/or the condition of the packaging and shipments after they leave FCS premises by carriers other than our own. Ferry Cove shall not be liable under any other legal context, including negligence, for any special, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of revenues or profits or loss under purchases or contracts made in reliance on the performance or nonperformance of the purchased larvae, seed or spat on shell, whether suffered by the purchaser or any third party, or for any loss or damage arising out of the sole or contributory negligence of the purchaser, its employees, agents or any third party.