About Us

Ferry Cove Oyster Hatchery is one of the newest and most advanced hatcheries in the country. Located along the mainstem of the Chesapeake Bay on Maryland's Eastern Shore, we raise larvae and produce seed for use by the commercial fishing and aquaculture industries throughout the region. Scientists with decades of experience raising oysters are focused on cutting edge innovations to support sustainable and competitive aquaculture businesses. Ferry Cove's vision extends beyond the cultivation of oysters. It is a nonprofit committed to supporting the cultural history of the watermen community, using applied research to seek new ways to drive the economic future of the local seafood industry and exploring ways to blend commerce, natural resource protection, education, and research to address coastal resiliency related issues.

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Ferry Cove is on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay, minutes from historic St. Michaels and in the heart of the bay's historical wild oyster industry and today's emerging aquaculture businesses. Built for maximum flexibility, we can create the ideal environmental conditions for shellfish production regardless of the Bay's water conditions. Our 70-acre campus also includes 2,000 feet of shoreline, wetlands, meadow, farmland and a native forest that supports resident and migratory wildlife.



Ferry Cove Shellfish is committed to the long-term viability of the commercial shellfish industry and a thriving Chesapeake Bay. We collaborate with scientists, watermen, business owners and policy makers to address the current and future needs of this fast-growing industry. Our facility is designed to produce shellfish and to study, implement and demonstrate innovative techniques and processes needed to advance the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the aquaculture community throughout the mid-Atlantic region.

Commitment to Sustainability

Commitment to Sustainability

Ferry Cove Shellfish believes it is our collective duty to do our share to responsibly assist in the management of fisheries, like shellfish, to ensure they thrive and grow, to use the best science available, to balance decisions that support both the fisheries’ economics and the ecosystems, and to properly communicate our findings to the public and other stakeholder groups. Ferry Cove will be in a position to help play an active role in supporting these goals while preserving the cultural history of a fabled industry.

Products & Orders

Products & Orders

To place an order, download the order form by clicking on the Ferry Cove image. Completed forms may be emailed to orders@ferrycove.org and a staff person will contact you. For all other inquiries, please call 410-886-1006

Our Team

The Ferry Cove Team is focused on building and operating a world-class hatchery facility to support the regions’ growing aquaculture industry.


Stephan has over three decades experience in the business, tech, fisheries and environmental fields, having spent the last 20 years developing and implementing market-based solutions for oyster and Chesapeake Bay recovery efforts. He enjoyed a distinguished career in the U.S. Navy and held leadership positions at the Oyster Recovery Partnership, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Sallie Mae and Career Builder. He has a B.S. from Villanova University, an MBA from George Washington University and is a graduate of the Naval War College. A lifelong Chesapeake Bay sailor, Stephan has two children and lives in Annapolis, Maryland.


Alex Golding Senior Hatchery Technician

Alex is an Eastern Shore native with a BS in biology/environmental science and a MS in environmental management. After completing her undergraduate degree, she worked in the oyster industry for 7 years before joining Ferry Cove Shellfish in 2021. Alex is employed as a hatchery technician and specializes in larval rearing. She has a passion for traveling, in addition to participating in triathlons and marathons, and spending time with her dog Fern.

DANIAL MISTER Facilities Manager

Danial has been involved with facilities maintenance in varying capacities for more than 12 years. Prior to that he worked as a commercial waterman. Danial grew up on Tilghman Island and now resides in Sherwood with his wife and three children.

JOE ARNIE Facility & Aquaculture Technician

Joe, an Eastern Shore native, joined the Hatchery team in July 2022 and is Ferry Cove's resident safety expert. Joe's technical know-how, as well as his environmental, health, and safety experience make him an integral part of the Ferry Cove team. Although new to the world of Oyster Hatcheries, Joe is always willing to jump in on any task and is looking forward to learning the industry and taking on new challenges.

STEVEN WESCHLER Hatchery Manager

Steven Weschler is the Hatchery Manager of the Ferry Cove Oyster Hatchery, one of the largest and newest commercial hatcheries on the East Coast. Prior to commissioning Ferry Cove, Steven spent 12 years working at University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Horn Point Oyster Hatchery in various positions handling the high volume production of C. Virginia oysters. A lifelong resident of Maryland, a hunter and fisherman, Steven is a graduate of Salisbury University with a Marine Biology and Environmental Science degree. Steven currently resides in Cambridge, MD with his wife and two children.

Jake Marden

Jake is a University of Wyoming graduate drawn to the Chesapeake Bay by its biodiversity and unique hydrology. He has a background in microbiology and histology but is an overall jack of all trades. He enjoys traveling, camping, and getting out on the water whenever possible.

Noah White Hatchery Technician

Noah grew up on Maryland's Eastern Shore and graduated from Salisbury University with a B.A. in Environmental Studies. Noah joined the Ferry Cove team in May 2024, with prior experience in aquaculture working as an oyster farmer with Fallen Pine oyster farm in Worcester County, Maryland. Outside of work, Noah is a volunteer firefighter and enjoys hunting and weightlifting.


TINA DAVENPORT Board of Trustees, Ratcliffe Foundation

Tina grew up in South Jersey, the youngest of four girls, with parents who did not discourage them from attempting anything. After earning a B.S. in Health Science Education at James Madison University, Tina worked as a medical librarian, substitute teacher and life guard while attending the George Washington University, earning an M.A. in Education and Human Development. Shortly after earning her M.A., she became a personnel trainer at Old Dominion University and then joined the Navy Resale System as a corporate trainer in Norfolk, Virginia. She transferred to the Navy Exchange Complex in Puerto Rico as the Retail Manager and after eight years returned to Norfolk to accept a position with a military retail broker where she worked for 26 years traveling the world throughout the Navy Exchange system and handling a wide variety of responsibilities. Most recently, Tina is a member of the Ratcliffe Foundation Board of Trustees.

JIM PERDUE Chairman, Perdue Farms Inc.

Jim has been the Chairman and advertising spokesperson of Perdue Farms since 1991. He is the third-generation leader of the company founded by his grandfather in 1920. As Chairman, Jim is responsible for ensuring the company stays true to its vision and values, and ensuring that the company continues to build on its strong corporate responsibility programs, especially continued leadership in elevating animal care and strengthening farmer relationships, and a strong focus on associates. Under Jim’s leadership, Perdue Foods has grown to a national roster of premium protein brands, which includes turkey, pork, beef, and lamb. At the same time, Perdue AgriBusiness went from a regional grain and oilseed business to a multi-faceted international player. His leadership guided Perdue to become a leader in workplace safety and associate health, including innovative wellness programs for which the company received the C. Everett Koop National Health award for innovative employee wellness program. Jim received his undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University, a master’s degree in marine biology from the University of Massachusetts at South Dartmouth, and a doctorate in fisheries from the University of Washington in Seattle, and his master’s degree in business administration from Salisbury University in Maryland.

MIKE ROMAN Professor & Former Director of the UMCES Horn Point Laboratory

Mike Roman is a Professor and the Former Director of the Horn Point Laboratory of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. He received a B.A. degree from Lake Forest College, a M.S. degree from the City College of N.Y. and a Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire. His main research interests are biological oceanography and the Chesapeake Bay. Roman has served on a number of scientific advisory committees for the National Science Foundation, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Naval Research and the National Academy of Sciences. He recently is a past-President of the Oceanography Society.

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